Make it


University Campaign




Art Director & Digital Designer


Female Empowerment

Project Description

This collaborative third-year project came directly from Teen Vogue and Case for Her to test our integrated thinking skills. We had to generate a campaign to raise awareness for female sexual health, and primarily be something that encouraged women and girls to explore their bodies and sexualities.

Through surveys and data analysis, we reached the ultimate problem that we were attempting to tackle with this brief.

Sex-education often forgoes information about vaginal health and female pleasure. In contrast to education on male masturbation and male sexual awakening; girls, women, and non-binary persons lack guidance in this regard. A third of surveyed women said that they do not masturbate, with a leading reason being it makes them uncomfortable, or that they don't know how. The challenge was to normalise the development and exploration of their sexuality.

Make It Purr - Since vaginas and cats share the same nickname, the metaphors of cats as vaginas and purring as orgasming were used to discuss the topic. Just as pet owners take care to cater for their pets' specific needs, so Teen Vogue’s readers need to learn about and look after their own "kitties." This concept helped make the topic a less intimidating one to approach through tongue-in-cheek vocabulary.

The Make It Purr campaign will launch during March, which is International Women's month, and will encourage Teen Vogue readers to #PlayForPleasure.
  • o Online Quiz: The quiz aims to help guide the user through exploring their bodies and vaginas. A series of questions are asked in order to determine which pieces of advice is best suited to this individual's preferences and needs. Quiz results give actionable masturbation tips and are displayed with a fun, share-able cat character. The quiz will send users to the forum.
  • o Online Forum: A forum will be used to create a safe space online for people with questions, advice, and conversations around the topic of vaginas and masturbation. The goal of the forum is to allow people to freely discuss these topics that they may find confusing or uncertain with peers and professionals.
  • o In-Browser Game: The online game will start with a randomly generated cat character which will have a random set of specified needs for where, how, and with what the cat would like to be pet with to make it purr. Each time the game is played the cat will have a new look and new combination of needs and preferences. Through trial and error, the user will come to learn what this kitty needs. The purpose of the game is to show users that each “kitty” looks different and likes different things, and it's okay to explore until they learn what makes them “purr”. The game will link to the online quiz and forum, as well as prompt social media sharing.
  • o Social media: Branded content for The Case For Her will feature on Teen Vogue’s media channels. Teen Vogue will not only post organic and paid content, but also share user-generated content from users sharing their game and quiz results.
  • o OOH: Posters with QR-codes linking to the game will go up in public places like schools, universities, bus stops, and malls.
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